The settings for Facebook are far more complicated than they seem
The first question – “who can post on your timeline” – refers to someone going to YOUR TIMELINE and posting directly on to your page.
The second question where you set that you can “review posts” is about when someone posts on THEIR OWN PAGE and tags you in the post.
Therefore, if you set these settings as we have shown, anything posted BY YOUR FRIENDS on YOUR TIMELINE will be attached to your timeline with no further action from you.
To find out how your can properly manage content that other people try to post in your space, CLICK HERE TO BE TAKEN TO OUR ONLINE COURSE purchase page.
The online workshop also teaches you how to:
- manage other people’s interactions with your accounts
- set much stronger security to ensure the possibility of unauthorised access (or a hacked account) is limited as much as possible
- ensure you are only found by people you want to find you; and
- adopt protective behaviours and understand what actions add more audience to view your content.