
In-School Presentations
Eyes Open Social Media Safety can
create a package specific to the needs of your school,
including components of the below programs.
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Eyes Open Social Media Safety provide interactive facilitated sessions held at the school. The children indicate the apps they are using, how they use them and how their parent’s use of social media involves them. The children’s responses dictate the context and the examples provided. These are true interactive presentations rather than cookie cutter storytelling.
Each session is age appropriate. We are in our 7th year of working with children and have a comprehensive understanding of how different age groups use social media and how it can and does go wrong. We also understand how to empower students to want to get it right. We incorporate scenarios and real case studies.
The ‘customised’ presentation – The team researches publicly available social media content relevant to your school. A video, or number of videos depending on the age of the students involved, are created to demonstrate the ways social media is being used within the school community.
We have a wide variety of presentations, workshops and delivery methods, including:
In-class Children Workshops/Presentations
To educate your students about the possible risks and then walking them through how to take the steps to protect themselves.
Parent Information Presentations
As a follow-on to the in-class program or as a stand-alone address, to engage parents in the school’s social media awareness process, we can present a 1 hour (plus questions) parent information session.
Teacher Professional Development
To ensure consistent messaging, we encourage schools to participate in one of our professional development sessions for their teachers. We have several different delivery methods, to cater for both face-to-face and self-paced learning.
Family & Individual Consultations
Private consultations tailored to family needs, including safety awareness, safer device set up and navigating the privacy and security options on your most used social media accounts.

Business Support
Staff Training on Safer Use of Social Media
A company’s staff is their greatest asset, so helping to keep them as safe as possible on social media is imperative.
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In 2021 most adults are engaged in social media activities, whether it be for work or to engage with their children. Staff’s use of social media can sometimes put themselves, their family & even your business at risk. Ask us how we can help to increase your staff’s safety online.
Eyes Open Social Media Safety have a wide range of programs and workshops with several different delivery methods to assist your staff with taking practical, easy to apply steps to minimise the risk for themselves and their family.
All of our programs can be tailored for your organisation and time frames.
“Lunch-and-Learn” Workshops
This workshop is best run in groups with each participant having access to a computer and mobile device during the session. We will teach your staff what the possible risks associated with social media are, why they need to apply strong and effective security and HOW TO apply the privacy and security on their favourite sites.
The program can be presented with content varying to suit your staff’s level of social media use and specifically targeting the sites that they are using.
Corporate Workshops cover:
- how to apply effective privacy and security settings
- how and why they need to shut down any unused accounts
- your company policies and staff responsibilities on social networking sites
Social Media Safety Presentations
Social Media is playing a much more prominent role in business than ever before. Whether you require your staff to promote your business on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or you have suggested that they use LinkedIn to build their business network and client base, you may have a duty of care to provide appropriate training in safety and the dangers that can be presented from social networking use.
We can present at your corporate retreat, training day, monthly meeting or staff induction.
Presentations include how your social media policy is linked to your current:
- codes of conduct;
- anti-bullying and harassment policy;
- email policy; and
- ethical use of social networking in the workplace
All of our programs can be tailored for your organisation and time frames.
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