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We’ve been talking for weeks now about how much more children are on their devices and there is no doubt that devices are needed at this time of the global coronavirus pandemic… HOWEVER, we need to make sure that we keep conversations and regular check ins going with...

3 Things You Need To Know About TikTok

With isolation, quarantine and stay home restrictions, interest in creative video app TikTok has skyrocketed and become an app for anyone and everyone, including tradies, parents, children, teenagers, military personal, emergency services and even celebrities. Device...

Report Reviews During COVID-19 Lock Downs

URGENT Message for parents. Scrolling on social media this morning Dan watched a video about the latest updates for Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The video below the news article was high level nudity and sexually explicit. The video has been posted on...

Google’s Rules Have Changed

Important changes to your child’s google access. Are you aware that Google’s Terms of Service changed as of March 31? If your child is under the age of 13 (in Australia) then you now have to give your permission for them to have an account. …and YOU...

I Was Blocked on Facebook. Guess Why?

Ever gone to send a message to a friend on Messenger and found that they aren’t listed as a contact? Or maybe you’ve looked up their Facebook page and their profile doesn’t show up? This happened to me a couple of months ago. After a few checks to see whether I was...

Is Your Phone Set Up For An Emergency?

In case of an emergency, Apple have created a place where you can add all of your critical information to be accessed by anyone trying to help you. The information can also be handy if you simply lose your mobile device.  If you have emergency contacts in your medical...