by Tricia Munn | Feb 15, 2016 | Social Media Safety
What is your hippy name? What do your eyes say about you? Which friends will be a part of your life forever? Which nationality do you look like? Who is your soul mate? These are just some of the questions Facebook apps will answer for you. Funny, as the answers may be...
by Tricia Munn | Feb 7, 2016 | Social Media Safety
Not unlike parenting – social media sites don’t come with a “how to use” manual. Even if they did, most people wouldn’t bother to open the first page, because “the kids know how to use it, how hard can it be?” Due to this...
by Tricia Munn | Jan 5, 2016 | Social Media Safety
This year Eyes Open Social Media we will be adding some focus to maintaining a healthy mind whilst using social media. There are a lot of young people (and adults) who fall into unhealthy thought patterns about their own life or self image, because they see so much...
by eyesopen | Sep 12, 2012 | Social Media Safety
An initiative, stemming from the Charlotte Dawson troll issues, is being made to have Twitter (and other social networking companies) agree to work in cooperation with Australian police, to have people held accountable for their online remarks and abuse. Whilst this...