What do your eyes say about you?
Which friends will be a part of your life forever?
Which nationality do you look like?
Who is your soul mate?
These are just some of the questions Facebook apps will answer for you.
Funny, as the answers may be and sometimes even pretty accurate, these apps put you at RISK.
Back in the day, the suggestions to find your hippy name were something along the lines of – add the name of the first street you lived in to the name of your first pet. These days, we get the lazy version where an app will do all the work for us – by looking through our Facebook account. Yes, you heard me correctly – by LOOKING THROUGH YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT!
Simply click the app and find out the answer to questions that really don’t add anything to your life aside from a moment of humor and maybe an entertaining thread of conversation once share with your friends.
To find out “Who is your soul mate” through an app on Facebook, you have agreed to give them access to your:
- Public account – no biggy – you have your Facebook account secured properly haven’t you?
- Your friends list – YES the WHOLE friends list – even if you have made it private in your privacy settings!
- Your photos – YES – ALL of your photos – even if you have applied security so that only your friends can see them – you have just given the app the right to override those privacy settings.
- Your birth date – Including the year. Even though you set it to ONLY ME in your privacy settings.
- Your email address.
WOW! That’s a LOT of information you’ve agreed to?
Do all apps have access to ALL of this information? No. They vary in what information they ask for AND they tell you before you get to play the game. Some MAY give you the option to censor what information you give them, but some information will be required.
To find out which nationality you look like through a different app from a different supplier, you have agreed to give them access to your:
Public profile – no biggy.
- Your friends list – YES – they now know exactly WHO you are friends with; AND
- Your email address – hmmmm.
WHAT are they going to DO WITH THAT?
Let’s find out!
So, their terms and conditions to use the app, states, amongst other things that:
“When you create an account with us, you must provide us information that is accurate, complete, and current at all times. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of your account on our Service.”
Big deal! Your interest in them is over the moment you got the answer.
“Our Service may contain links to third-party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by *their company.
*their company has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that *their company shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services.”
So let me break that down for you.
YOU MUST supply them with personal information to use their app. …and you DID!
THEY have no legal obligation to keep your information private. In FACT – WHY did they spend the time creating this FREE game for you? TO GET YOUR INFORMATION?!
WHAT are they doing with your information?
WHO are they selling your information to?
WHY ARE YOU SAYING YES TO THESE TERMS for a game that will entertain you for a blink in time?
THINK before you click!
Let’s try that first bit again?
What is your hippy name? – Make one up, add a few life facts together or don’t worry about it and get on with your real life.
What do your eyes say about you? – They say what mood you are in, how tired you are and what your level of interest in whatever you are doing right now is.
Which friends will be a part of your life forever? – only time will tell. Facebook tells us all the time that things can ch
ange in the blink of an eye. Facebook is always right isn’t it?
Which nationality do you look like? – ummmm what nationality are you? *blink blink
Who is your soul mate? – If you don’t know, you haven’t met them yet. Mine is my husband. Thanks for asking.